We’re here to help

These are difficult times for everyone.
With the recent events happening across the globe due to COVID-19, we are offering:

The early release of our new benchmarking tool to support:
– Increase capacity
– Save time
– Compare fields
– Target crop walking
– Prioritise applications
– Maximise efficiency
– Save time through prioritised scouting

Help on farm during harvest for any of our customers in need

Contact us via email: covid@hummingbirdtech.com

March 2020

Hummingbird & COVID-19

The last 2 weeks have been immeasurably tough for many of our stakeholders, and in these challenging times, we would like to start this message by sending our best wishes to you and your family. We are all trying to make sense of a new world order, to endure the global COVID-19 crisis, and to thrive as a business, even in spite of the obvious challenges it presents.

Hummingbird’s own COVID-19 journey began on 10th March, when a German colleague became symptomatic. Although employees were not immediately at risk of exposure, we ‘dry ran’ a quarantined lockdown of our Hoxton London HQ on 11th March, and have remained in ‘work from home’ mode ever since.

Carbon project

Hummingbird is developing a light-touch dashboard to bring together key sustainability metrics in an easy-to-view format. It will combine remote-sensed satellite data and data pulled through strategic software and equipment integrations. Satellite sources will provide multi-spectral, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and microwave radiation data, giving us innovative capabilities to track sustainable practice, calibrated with actual soil organic carbon measurements, sampled from within the field.

The dashboard will allow farmers to see their own environmental impact and show them to a variety of stakeholders. The scalable and objective nature of the dashboard will allow the values for individual farms to be contextualised on a regional or national basis and provide verification to those stakeholders for whom monitoring is a necessity.

To find out more about this exciting project, please contact one of the team members.


We are very pleased to announce that we are fully integrated with John Deere farm machinery and the JD Ops Centre.

We are working on improving the other integrations for the cloud services offered by equipment manufacturers, such as AGCO covering Massey, Fendt (Fuse), Topcon, Trimble, Raven Slingshot), Agrirouter, Farmnet 365,  CNH (AFS Connect).

Moreover, we are building on our integration with Farm Management Platforms such as Gatekeeper – UK, 1C ERP – Ukraine, Farm at Hand and Telus – Canada, Muddyboots – UK, Agrichain – Ukraine

Predictive Analytics – Crop Type Classification

With our crop type classification team, we are getting ready to start another exciting stage in the product life cycle, improving on our product which already delivers over 90% accuracy mid-season. Never has the remote monitoring of crops and supply chain logistics been more important than for this 2020 season coming up. As crop type classification uses the latest deep learning methods to analyse the time series of crop specific reflection patterns, it is of utmost importance for us to generate the most reliable and complete time series of satellite images. That is why we decided to choose an active satellite source, such as Sentinel 1. With a revisit rate of 5 days, the indifference to cloud cover and the spatial resolution of 10x10m Sentinel 1 offers the perfect baseline to build our analysis on top. Our crop type classification is used to scope out markets, identify crop rotation and monitor sustainability over a complete landbank or on regional level.


Hummingbird’s Variable Rate Seed tool helps you eliminate the poor performing areas of the field and minimise the need for expensive and time consuming soil sampling, as well as, avoid the over application which increases the risks of lodging and diseases.

For more information on how the tool works, please get in touch with one of our UK regional account managers


Our market leading Sugarcane products are now being rolled out across the country (and have successfully been exported to Africa). Our Gap Row Detection and Crop Row Reconstruction products mean that growers can eliminate the risk of low yielding fields by enabling them to replant where gaps exist. Additional benefits include a higher renovation rate and a reduction in chemical spend as fertilisers, fungicides and insecticides are only used where plants are growing.

To find out more, please contact one of the team members – Marcello@hummingbirdtech.compedro@hummingbirdtech.comgabor@hummingbirdtech.com.


Our Russian team will be taking part in the engineering exhibition “Agrocomplex” in Ufa city of Bashkortostan republic.

If you would like to meet our team, please do not hesitate to stop by and see us.

For further information on this or future events and Hummingbird products, please get in touch with anton@hummingbirdtech.com


Our Canadian team was keeping very busy by traveling for joint meetings with the Telus Ag team Manitoba/Saskatchewan and Winfield United, Nutrien, FCL, Cargill, P&H, Univar and Richardson.

Our Independent Retail focus for this month has been highly targeted towards GJ Chem, Ag Advantage, Ag Link, Gmac, ShurGrow, Synergy Ag.

We have been working with the University of Manitoba, Olds College, VRT and Yield Predictive analytics to minimise the impact of the current state of work from home and canceled face-to-face meetings due to COVID – 19.

For any further information, please contact – brian@hummingbirdtech.com

Get in Touch!

If you would like to talk to us about any of our product services, are interested in discussing R & D projects with us, or have any feedback on our services and platform, please do get in touch with us at sales@hummingbirdtech.com

We’d like to help!

During this unprecedented and challenging period, we at Hummingbird are deeply committed to helping our customers and the wider community in any way that we can.

If you or someone you know needs help with food shopping, with urgent deliveries, with setting up of IT systems or getting access to transport, then the company will do whatever it can to assist.

Please get in touch either directly, via our website or by emailing sales@hummingbirdtech.com

Let’s all get through this together!

The Hummingbird Team

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