Food Tech Startups That Defined 2018 Trends and What to Expect in 2019

An excerpt from AgFunder News article:

A List of Food Tech Startups That Defined 2018 Trends and What to Expect in 2019

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

Other high-tech innovations surging through the food and agriculture sector include artificial intelligence (AI). Machine learning is being applied to the vast amount of data that is being collected through crop sensors and other technologies, to reduce the labour intensity of crop production, efficiently collect data, and reduce input costs. Hummingbird Technologies is a great example of how AI can be applied in agriculture. They analyse the data collected by imagery to aid in monitoring fields, therefore reducing the amount of time required to check on crops. A fundamental trend in AI that will see significant growth in 2019 will be the use and number of AI cloud services. Industry tech giants like Microsoft, Amazon, Google are hiring talent in the area of artificial intelligence at breakneck speeds and exorbitant salaries. There are also several IoT startups such as MNUBO and The Yield working in agriculture that are gaining significant traction by working with agriculture-based companies.

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