Crop Type Classification
We create global crop and land use masks at various granularities (fields to national levels), identifying field boundaries and classifying key crops such as wheat, barley, soy, and corn. he
algorithm identifies the unique spectral signature that each crop shows through a growing season. After training using several thousand annotated examples, the algorithm has learnt to recognise these unique patterns to predict the crop from a time-series of
Sentinel satellite images. As the season progresses, the accuracy increases until a peak is reached 1 month before harvest. If you would like to know more information on this, please contact the sales team.

Carbon project
Hummingbird continues to make strides in developing our sustainability and carbon monitoring capabilities. The focus is now on Tillage Assessment, Crop Residues, Cover Crops Assessment and Crop Rotations.
These tools will form the basis of a global offering that can verify sustainability practices at scale and affordably. As well as ear-marking internal resources Hummingbird is exploring grant and commercial funding opportunities and strategic industry partnerships to create a leading solution.
Hummingbird is also exploring options for using an accredited Carbon Model to in turn, inform carbon sequestered as a result of these practices. Finally ongoing work behind the scenes continues to be done on the wider sustainability dashboard that includes the assessment of Natural Capital.

New Variable Rate Fungicide Tool
We are very pleased to announce a new product service we have released this month; Variable Rate Fungicide. This new product service allows you to select the number of zones across the field and decide the chemical products rate per zone to precision target your chemical applications more accurately. If you would like to know more about this, please contact the UK Sales Team

With maize being drilled across the UK this month, we have the opportunity to target the post emergence weed pressure you might all see in the next few weeks. We have 2 product services which map interrow weeds and allow you to create a variable rate spray or a spot spray application to target these higher weed pressure areas. If you would like to know more, please reach out to the UK Sales Team

2020 sowing has begun for growers in northern areas of Western Australia with some areas recording rainfall of upwards of 140mm already this season. Knockdown prescription maps are still being produced for growers in the south of the state, where seeding is yet to begin. If you would like to know more about these, please contact the Australian Sales Team

Richardson International will be highlighting our variable rate technology products on their research farms in 2020. These research farms are supported by and toured by the entire crop protection industry in western Canada as well as local growers. This opportunity will showcase Hummingbird Technologies to the Crop Protection industry in western Canada. If you are interested in learning more about these and other services available, please contact our Canadian Sales Team

Our Maize plant counting validation trials are underway in Brazil this month, and the outputs so far are looking very good. We have collaborated with RVR in Brazil as the data collection partner for this project with Corteva, looking at a seed validation trial. If you would like to know more about this, please contact the Brazilian sales team

We are pleased to announce our collaboration with a new data collection partner in Ukraine: https://drone.ua/ We are really looking forward to expanding our operational capacity and providing our high resolution data analytics services to a wider audience in the upcoming months. For more information please contact our Ukranian sales team

Get in Touch!
If you would like to talk to us about any of our product services, are interested in discussing R & D projects with us, or have any feedback on our services and platform, please do get in touch with us at sales@hummingbirdtech.com
We’d like to help!
During this unprecedented and challenging period, we at Hummingbird are deeply committed to helping our customers and the wider community in any way that we can.
If you or someone you know needs help with food shopping, with urgent deliveries, with setting up of IT systems or getting access to transport, then the company will do whatever it can to assist.
Please get in touch either directly, via our website or by emailing sales@hummingbirdtech.com
Let’s all get through this together!