We are very pleased to announce that we have taken our first step towards the Eastern European market starting with Poland by signing a reseller agreement with ProGea SKY. They will be reselling our product services in OSR, Cereals, Potatoes and Sugar Beet, as well as being a collaborative data collection partner.
For more information on this agreement please contact Hendrik Knyphausen at:hendrik@hummingbirdtech.com

We had the pleasure of presenting at multiple Agrovista Winter Conferences throughout England and Scotland this month, providing products and platform training with the agronomic sales teams.
You can come and meet our team at the events where we will be presenting on:
25th February – Doncaster – Agrovista Soil Health & Precision evening
10th March – Wigan & District Ag Society Dinner
As we mentioned in our January newsletter, we had just started flying fields for our knockdown product and we can now announce the successful completion of our first Knockdown application maps and in field spraying.
If you would like to find out more, please contact:mark@hummingbirdtech.comscottw@hummingbirdtech.com

We are proud to announce that we have been invited to the Ukraine International event organised by John Deere on the 24-25 February, where we will be amongst dealers from 6 other countries representing Agtech and our latest integration work with John Deere.

Our team in Russia took part in an extended meeting of the board for the results of the agricultural sector for 2019 and the tasks for 2020 at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan on the 12th -14th of February.

Please come to meet your team at the upcoming Agrishow Event, which will take place in May, where we are presenting our new to market place product services, and we are also taking part in John Deere demonstration activities.
To find out more, please contact one of the team members:pedro@hummingbirdtech.commarcello@hummingbirdtech.comgabor@hummingbirdtech.com